Coastal Championship Wrestling has a new World Heavyweight Champion, but it wasn't without controversy.
Saturday night at Unbranded Brewing Company, Ariel Levy challeneged Cha Cha Charlie for the World Championship at Bash At the Brew 18. In front of one of the largest crowds in CCW history, Levy looked to use a foreign object near the end of the match to secure the pinfall.
Cha Cha had Levy lifted in the air for what looked to be a belly-to-back suplex. But the Chilean had already pulled the brass knuckles out of his trunks and put it on his hand, while the official was distracted. As Cha Cha put him in position for the suplex, Levy blasted Charlie with the object.
Charlie collapsed, with Levy landing on top of him as the official counted the pinfall.
Levy celebrated as the capacity crowd at Unbranded Brewing Company rained down boos and empty beer cups on the new champion.
More to come on this breaking story on CCW's social media channels (follow us on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok: @CCWAliveTV) and here on the CCW web site.
Updated (12:06 a.m. - July 3)
See video below from CCW Facebook with the controversial finish!